Influence Without Authority (delivered virtually!)
Learn how to make influence happen and increase the amount of influence you have!
WARNING: A lot of people hope our influence class will result in mastery of the Jedi Mind Trick. Alas, mind control, however desirable, is not part of this course!
The good news is that most of us have some level of influence already. More influence doesn’t just happen; you don’t go to bed one night without it and wake up the next day with it; it doesn’t just fall into your lap—it takes a plan and for many the willingness to push beyond your comfort zone. Influence Without Authority teaches how to make influence happen—how to create a plan that generates influence, how to build rapport and trust, and the role that Principle Persuasion plays.
Tap above for video about the course.
If you’re not looking out for you, who is?
You are probably brilliant and do good work. If others don’t know that, what influence do you have? Perhaps you believe, “If I do good work, I’ll get recognized.” Look around you (or use your imagination during these virtual times)—you are surrounded by smart and productive people. How will you distinguish yourself? How can you become a “graceful self-promoter?”
“I wish I had this class and information years ago!”
- Influence Without Authority is a program designed for anyone who needs to get others to do what needs to be done:
- As an individual contributor
- On an intact team, or…
- In matrix-oriented environment where there isn’t a reportin relationship to rely on.
- Managers take this class when looking for other tools besides “…because I said so,” to interact with subordinates.
- AND, what if your goal is to manage your manager better or to move on or up sooner rather than later?
High Impact Online Influence Without Authority Workshop
Highly interactive and role-play driven!
- Learn how to:
- Make a plan and build your influence.
- Know the difference between influence and persuasion and how to skillfully use both (short-term and long-term).
- Recognize when a door to influence others has opened and how to use six different strategies to effect change.
- Build strategies to identify when you must flex your style to others, and how to get others to flex their styles to you.
- Collaborate and create synergy
Session registrations limited to 16 participants!
We limit class size to maximize interaction & feedback.
We deliver the course over two days.
“These are skills and tools that can be applied not only within the business environment, but in many of life’s situations.”
Available for In-House Groups and Customization
Our Online Virtual Presentation Skills Course is available for in-house groups and teams and can be customized as well. Contact us to discuss scheduling and tailoring a Virtual Presentation Skills Course to the needs of your team and company.
“I would immediately cancel all future instances of this class, so that no-one else would learn the secrets that I now hold.”
Joe Friedman
Joe Friedman has 30+ years of sales, sales management, and training/consulting experience. He co-founded Zehren-Friedman Associates in 1993 to teach the “persuasive arts” of presenting, negotiating, and influence. As COO, Joe oversees client development, program delivery and people development. He leads 100+ days of training annually both on a national and international basis.
Joe started his career teaching at the business school at Northeastern Illinois University. He spent six years selling and delivering training at the First National Bank of Chicago, and another six at a firm that sells and delivers presentation skills training. Joe holds a BSBA (Marketing) and an MBA (Finance) from The Ohio State University (don’t hold that against him).
“Joe was very engaging and energetic; good amount of interaction; anecdotes were greatly appreciated!”
“The instructor did a wonderful job to realign his teaching to real-world events and how we can use these tools on a day-to-day basis.”
“The instructor's use of examples was very helpful as was probing the participants for examples.”
Register Now
Influence Without Authority (delivered virtually!)
Build the credibility you need to have the influence you want—now!
Registration is open now for the May 10–11, 2023 class. $100 off when you register now and enter coupon code "IWA100" during checkout.
Contact us if you'd like to know when registration opens for other sessions.